About Us

Welcome to TxTronics!

We are your go-to destination for all your premium electronics needs in the Greater Houston Area. We pass wholesale savings on to YOU and provide FREE shipping/delivery to your doorstep on all orders, ensuring that you have access to top-quality products at unbeatable prices.

We also offer professional installation services for many of our products. Want professionals to mount your new TV or install your new projector and screen? Our knowledgeable and friendly crew is here to do the job for you.

We understand that finding the perfect electronics can be overwhelming, so we're here to guide you through the entire process. Join the growing community of satisfied customers who have discovered the joy of shopping with TxTronics. Browse our website and take advantage of our unbeatable deals and installation services.

Thank you for choosing TxTronics. We look forward to serving you and exceeding your expectations every step of the way.

​Your satisfaction is our priority.

​The TxTronics Team