Why should I buy from TxTronics?
We offer better prices and services for premium electronics than major retailers, and our products are always 100% genuine and brand new from the manufacturer.

Do you offer free shipping/delivery?
Yes, we offer free shipping/delivery on all orders.

How long does delivery take?
Orders are typically delivered in 1 - 3 business days. Special-order products, such as TVs larger than 100", or products on back order may take longer.

Can I track my order?
Unfortunately, order tracking is not available at this time. However, you will receive an order confirmation after checkout that indicates the expected delivery timeframe.

What is your return policy?
All sales are final. Products cannot be returned, and no refunds will be issued. All products are delivered brand new in the box from the manufacturer. For large electronics such as TVs, the delivery team will test the product upon arrival to make sure it's working and ask for your signature to document that you approve of the product and it's working as expected.

Do you offer installation / TV mounting services?
Yes, we offer professional installation services for most of our products. In most cases, we'll mount your new TV for free if you purchase a wall mount at the same time as the TV. This is to ensure your TV is mounted safely with the highest quality product and all the correct hardware. We do not use mounts that weren't purchased from our store. Speaker installation, if desired, is charged per pair, and does not include wiring. Many homes are pre-wired for speakers. If you need wiring done, please reach out to us.

Do you serve customers outside the Greater Houston Area?
No, the delivery address must be in the Greater Houston Area (Houston, The Woodlands, Sugar Land, and most other incorporated areas). See Area of Service to see if your zip code is included in the service area.

Do I have to become a member to purchase products from your store?
No, you do not have to become a member to purchase products from our store. However, members are able to save their contact and payment info and may receive special offers and promotions from us via email.

What if I have more questions or need assistance?
We are here to help! If you have any further questions, concerns, or need assistance with your order, please feel free to reach out to our customer support team. You can contact us via email or phone, and our dedicated team will be more than happy to assist you.

Happy shopping at TxTronics!